J&J Interiors offer quality cabinetry and beautiful custom joinery

Fire Doors

Award winning joinery Gungahlan, Wall mounted and mirrored door cabinets

Fire doors are used for containing the movement of hot gases, smoke and fire. A fire door provides safe emergency access for occupants and rescue services in the event of a fire.

Fire Doors are an integral component of any fire protection plan also known as “passive fire protection systems”. They are installed in walls constructed as fire barriers and each fire door and wall has a fire rating known as a fire resistant level (FRL).

A fire resistant doorset consists of a door leaf, doorframe and associated hardware such as closers, handles, locks, vision panels, air grills and matching fire door tags on the door and doorframe. Fire doors are also required to be self-closing and latching.

Our qualified carpenters are able to match or create your desired look with your choice of architraves and mouldings to enhance your new fire doors. Just ask our team or come into our show room to view our many samples.

Call (02) 6162 3616 and talk to our Fire Doors Specialists.

J&J Interiors supply quality Fire Doors to commercial builders, architects and home builders in: Canberra, Hume, Woden, Tuggerangong, Belconnen, Gungahlan, Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Bungendore and ACT region